What keeps you up at night? Thoughts, body aches, restlessness? Sleeping in today’s world can be surprisingly difficult. Between blue light emissions from our phones, television sets, and computer screens priming our minds for wakefulness to the incredible life stressors that seem to keep piling on, sleeping through the night can sometimes feel near impossible. Even still, we need to sleep properly to function well; without it, our lives can spiral into chaos, and we can end up not operating at our fullest capacity. Poor sleep quality, stacked up over months or even years, is a recipe for health problems, increased stress, a lack of concentration, and feeling considerably worse with each passing day.
This is what happened to Camille. With the stress of her job (a tale I’m sure many of us can sadly relate to), she was not only experiencing the negative health impacts of stress but also the negative effects of a lack of sleep.
Here is what Camille had to say about her experience with BSO Honey.
Good morning; my name is Camille, and I want to talk about what BSO Honey has done for me.
I was introduced to the product by a friend of my mother’s. He gave me an 8oz bottle to try, and all he said was: “It’s good for what ails you; give it a try.”
I work in a high-stress and sometimes very toxic environment for a financial institution, where local high-traffic travel is involved. Most nights, I arrive home frazzled and generally a wreck. My husband helps me as much as he can by having dinner ready when I arrive. He truly is a blessing.
The evenings are filled with simply trying to unwind, relax and rest for a lot of the same tomorrow. Rest and sleep have been hard to find, sometimes [I’m] sleepless until early morning.
Enter BSO Honey. I started taking it, 1/2 TBS, after dinner and prior to bedtime, and the results for me are a pure blessing.
Shortly, within an hours time, my body was relaxing, my mind was clear and focused with sleep and body rest forthcoming. Something I haven’t had in months!
I awake truly refreshed and invigorated, ready to go to work!
I’m about out of that gifted bottle. Time to order more!
I highly recommend BSO Honey. It was “good for what ails” me.
Stress’ dirty little secret
We’ve talked about stress in the past, but I wanted to explore further a particularly terrifying quality of stress: how it impacts nutrition in the body. You see, stress, particularly prolonged periods of stress, can cause the nutritional stores in your body to deplete faster. This is because stress raises your metabolic needs. In particular, stress quickly depletes magnesium and zinc.
Magnesium plays a vital role in the body. It’s responsible for healthy muscles, bones, and blood sugar levels.
Additionally, there is some evidence that magnesium may help reduce a person’s risk of developing depression, and that magnesium can also, ease anxiety, and fight inflammation.
A lack of magnesium can cause a lack of appetite, nausea, fatigue, and weakness. Symptoms of magnesium deficiencies also include headaches, numbness or tingling in the limbs, general weakness, and heart palpitations, to name a few.
Zinc is incredibly important in the growth of healthy cells, as well as in healing damaged tissue, building proteins, and supporting a healthy immune system. A zinc deficiency can lead to skin rashes that don’t seem to recover and, in extreme cases, memory loss.
Chronic stress impacts eating patterns; if you are unaware of stress’s impacts on your body’s resources, you may not consume foods that replenish the lost nutrients due to stress, exacerbating the problem. Over the years, stress can age you, cause pain, and lead to the development of mental health issues like anxiety or depression.
With all this going on, it can be easy to see how stress can impact our ability to get a good night’s rest. And that can lead to a host of other issues.
The impacts of a lack of sleep on the body
You’ve likely had to try to sleep through a stressful night. Do you remember what it was like? Did you toss and turn? Wake up frequently? Lay there wondering when morning would come? I think it’s safe to say many, if not all of us, have been there, and it’s no fun. Stress will fragment your sleep and greatly reduce its quality. Sleep loss triggers increased stress hormones to be released into the body, which may further disrupt your sleep, creating a horrible vicious cycle.
So, how did BSO Honey help?
Many people who have taken Black Seed Oil Infused Honey, or BSO Honey, have reported sleeping better, not waking up as frequently at night, and feeling more alert during the day. A good night’s sleep can be the first step in helping break the cycle of stress. Paired with a good diet, some exercise, and wellness practices, you can be well on your way to establishing a new and healthier normal.
It is important to remember that in all you do, you should prioritize yourself and take care of your mental health and your body.
Managing your stress can be incredibly difficult with how the world is now, but it’s not impossible. A series of micro changes will eventually lead to a change overall. Start with doing what you can manage, no matter how small, and grow from there. Over time these tiny changes will add up, and you will notice your life beginning to evolve.
We at the BSO Honey team wish you the best in wellness and happiness. If you want to read more about ways to get a better night’s sleep, check out our previous blog: Simple Ways to Improve your Sleep Quality Naturally.